LCT will be presenting the holiday play, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, as part of their Fall Youth Theatre Class. Registration is open to youth ages 8 to 12 and cost to participate is $175 per student. The price includes 2 complimentary admissions a performance of their choice. By registering your child for this production they will be automatically cast in the production. Roles will be assigned on the first day of class after a short audition. Students do not need any prior experience to enroll.
General Program Description: LCT Youth Theatre program explores the theatrical arts using national core arts standards to teach students exploration through creativity, performance, movement, and community. We promote students' abilities of expression of self that can be applied towards life-long skills and developing cultural awareness. The students will meet 1 time a week over a 12 week period with the end result being a performance for the general public. The schedule will be tailored to fit students and teachers' individual needs. Rehearsals will increase as the performance approaches.
Classes begin Saturday, September 9th and continue until the performances on December 1, 2, & 9. Performances are open to the public and tickets will be sold. Classes are Saturday mornings from 9 am to 11 am. Class time will be extended as the performance approaches. A monthly calendar will be sent out to parents. Conflicts will be taken into consideration. Please list your students name when registering for the class.
Each student is expected to:
- With limited guidance, explore the script and develop a character that supports the drama/theatre work.
- Practice at home the techniques and blocking learned. Memorizing lines, choreography, and songs if needed.
- Demonstrate general knowledge of theatre techniques, vocabulary, and etiquette. Understanding the various technical elements of theatre.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between the music, character, and choreography.
- Collaborate with their peers positively.
- Ability to reflect during the rehearsal process and explain their artistic choices.
LCT's Youth Education program is directed by Andrea Bingham. Any questions can be emailed to